Tactical Solution Scenarios Training Program

Pop-By Mini Field Training Scenarios

A great guide for Supervisors to use when visiting or conducting Post Inspections!

Training Duration: 8 Hours Collectively

Item #TSS101


This  program reduces the costly expense of classroom training and is a great tool for proactive continuing education of your officers. Using a handout, supervisors can train and test officers while doing a post inspection visit. Each supervisor visit can be a short training session of the various scenarios. This program has 24 different training scenarios.

Training Program Includes:
  • Scenarios Guidebook for Field Supervisors
  • PDF Of Scenarios For Handouts
  • Customizable Completion Certificate

Supervisors can easily train and test officers during their site visits.

  • The process works as follows:
  • The supervisor takes a chapter to the officer and goes over the printed scenario.
  • The supervisor then reviews and tests the officer.
  • The session is documented on the TSS control form and signed by the officer and the supervisor.
  • The entire process takes about 20 minutes.
  • Once the officer completes the course (24 chapters), it is the equivalent of 8 hours of documented training.
  • You can then certify that the officer received 8 hours of annual training and you didn’t have to pay them to sit in a classroom!
  • The TSS program complies with most states annual training requirements.
  • Check with your state or region for specific approval requirements