Prefer a hard copy of our catalog? You can download a copy here. We continuously add new products to our website, so please check back often for new products. Check out the new programs: New! 60-Hour Security Officer Manual Program with tests and...
There are over 16,000 Security Guard Companies in USA, along with another 2,000+ proprietary services. A large amount of them are our customers. That’s because our training videos and instructor manuals exceed 90% of most State training requirements. We have...
As you likely know, referrals are your best source for new business. If you’re like most security guard companies, you contract with clients that are also being provided a service by other companies that do not compete directly with you. For example, elevator...
As you know, the biggest financial burden for a security company is payroll. Here’s a tip that you might want to consider to reduce your payroll and increase security officer take-home pay at the same time. How in a world is that done? First impressions are lasting...
Service Upgrade Letters Too often security companies get the short end of the stick when it comes to providing sufficient security in a lawsuit. Here is one tactic that has worked well in the past. After you have been providing security to a client for three months,...